Tuesday 3 February 2015

Iler20 project

It's a long time since I've published an article on my blog. There were several reasons but special because I was not so busy with the radio hobby.

Now I have picked up the Iler20 project. On the main board there more and more parts but sadly lacking a few. I've written about this to Javier and now the missing parts have gone with mail to me. Good service from Javier.
Iler20 project
Last weekend I soldered all the components on the AGC board. A real challenge for me because the print is quite small. With patience and perseverance I succeeded.

I'm continue with the main board

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Thursday 8 May 2014


The information for QSL on the internet is very negative. That's the reason I write on my Blog.

On qrz.com you can see an address in Spain. I have send my QSL to this address and after only waiting a week this is the result.
Good quick service and ignore the negative posts on the Internet.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Wednesday 27 February 2013

The resistors are mounted, Iler20 project

Last weekend I started, after reading the manual several times, with soldering the resistors on the PCB.
Iler20 project
All 51 resistors are mounted, except P3, the AF control.
The next step are the capacitors. I'm lucky that I didn't continue directly with it.
Today I got a email from Javier,EA3GCY, the developer of this kit. In this email he write that it's better to use 12 pF for the capacitors C15 to C19, instead of 22pF. With the value of 22pF the IF bandwidth is below 2KHz. Properly to small for SSB.

Thanks for this advice Javier!

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Monday 18 February 2013

Preparing Iler20 transceiver project.

Last weekend, 9 and 10 February, I participated in the PACC contest.
For many years I'm operator by PA6W, in Tiel. Under this call we participate in the MOST class. This time with 5 operators, normal 7. Given the number of QSO's for us it has been a very successful contest.
I'm also busy with the preparations for the Iler20 project.

Iler20 projectI have found in the "junk box" a nice new box.
iler20 project
For tuning, I search for a "Ventier Dial", such a knob I have also on my 20 Howes transceiver. On Ebay I found a supplier in the USA. Saturday the knob was delivered by postmen.

Last week I had the opportunity to buy an EndFed 10/20/40 for a reasonable price. This EndFed made ​​by PAR Electronics in the USA.
The first results are promising. Nice reception at 40M. On 20M it need some help from the internal tuner, my 5 watts CW signal heard by a skimmer station in the USA and Canada. At 10M it was quite good and I could, with a output of 20 watts, work 3 stations, with CW, from the USA.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Iler20 transceiver kit building

Yesterday afternoon, the postman delivered the long-awaited package from Spain.
A large envelope containing the components for the Iler20 20M ssb transceiver to build.
I start with the description carefully and try next week to start with soldering. Check my blog frequently to follow this Iler20 project.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Monday 28 January 2013

QRV on 2M

It's a few months ago I wrote an article on my blog. I'm still busy with my work, read books and do some household chores. Gradually there will be more time for the hobby and hopefully the weather will be better to do something with antennas on the balcony.

In December 2012, I have the Yaesu FT7800 put on the shack table and after some problems to connect my PC, the new repeaters on 1 January 2013 programmed in my set. Installing a virtual com-port remains a painstaking task.
Late last year I received a Moxon beam for 2M as a gift from a good friend. This antenna is build from scrap and the he gave it with the message "try this one". I searching for my photo tripod. Unfortunately, I didn't found. I'm afraid that it ends in the wrong container during my move to here.

At a local hardware store they had a tripod with construction lamp in offer, I bought this one and put together. The construction lamp neatly packed behind. Then I mounted the Moxon in top and put it in the living room with an unobstructed view through the balcony. It was too cold to go to the balcony. The SWR is on the high side. Probably because the antenna is inside and not in "free" space. In spite of this I was able to make some QSO. The "new" repeater PI3UTR is no problem, the antenna is horizontally polarized.
The snow is gone, now a higher temperature, then I can go out on the balcony for experiments.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Monday 1 October 2012

Op stap met de Nederlandse Vuurtoren Vereniging (NVV).

Al weer ruim 10 jaar ben ik lid van deze vereniging. Een vereniging van mensen die vuurtorens en/of lichtschepen als hun passie hebben. Voor mij is deze passie ontstaan tijdens de meerdere vakanties, die ik in mijn kindertijd, op Vlieland heb gehad.
De vereniging bestaat dit jaar 20 jaar. In dit jaar zijn er meerdere jubileumactiviteiten geweest, o.a. een reis naar noord Duitsland. De boottocht van 29 september j.l. was de afsluiting van het jubileumjaar.
Zaterdagochtend, 29 september, meerde we rond de klok van 10:00 af bij het muziekgebouw achter het centraal station van Amsterdam. De tocht ging als eerste naar het Vuurtoreneiland. Dit eiland voor de kust van Durgerdam heeft in het verleden deel uitgemaakt van de “Stelling van Amsterdam”. Op dit eilandje staat een lichtopstand en een huisje. Uit de begin tijd zijn de nog half ondergrondse bunkers. De gids van Staatsbosbeheer vertelde o.a. dat deze nooit in de praktijk zijn gebruikt. Nu wonen er een paar mensen die het eilandje onderhouden en worden er theatervoorstellingen in de open lucht gegeven. Via een lange dam is het eiland met de vaste wal verbonden. Een groot hek blokkeert de toegang vanaf het vaste land.
Vuurtoreneiland (Nederlandse Vuurtoren Vereniging)
Het eiland is voor € 1,00 te koop.
De nieuwe eigenaar moet vervolgens voor miljoenen restaureren.
Weer terug op de boot waren ging we richting Marken waar we dicht bij de vuurtoren zouden gaan liggen om van alle hoeken foto’s te kunnen nemen. Dit gebeurde ook inderdaad en door de zon die zich veelvuldig liet zien, in combinatie met mooie wolkpartijen, konden er mooie foto’s worden gemaakt. Op een bepaald moment ging de boot dichter naar de wal toe om als verassing aan te meren. We kregen de gelegenheid om aan wal te gaan en de vuurtoren rondom te fotograferen. Een gelegenheid die niet zo vaak wordt geboden om deze vuurtoren van zo dichtbij te bezoeken. 10 leden werden, door de bewoners, gelukkig gemaakt met een korte kijk aan de binnenkant van deze vuurtoren.
Paard van Marken (Nederlandse Vuurtoren Vereniging)
Tijdens de boottocht kwam ik erachter dat er meerdere collega’s met mij deze passie delen. Een ontmoeting met een collega buiten kantoor. Een mooie tocht met prachtig (foto) weer en mooie luchten. Voor een zaterdag was het vroeg opstaan voor mij, het was het waard!
Vriendelijke groet, Tjeerd G. Gaasbeek

Monday 3 September 2012

Dipole for 6 meters.

Looking back on this weekend, it was the one with various activities.

Saturday to the construction market for materials to make up for the jobs ...
Result: a new shelf in the bathroom.

On this Saturday, I also installed a dipole for 6 meters on the balcony. Some weeks ago there were made 2 mounting points. Cord for the suspension of the construction already bought in the construction market.
According to the internal meter of the FT817nd transceiver the SWR is good.

This Es season is nearly at the end and therefore is the chance to hear signals or to make a qso very nil.
I called Bert, PA1B, to make a sked for a signal on 6. This went very difficult about this short distance. Reason not clear.
Then Cees, PA0CKV, in Tiel called. This contact was also very laborious, distance 25 km.

So slowly I went doubt to the functioning of the dipole, despite the good SWR. Cees told me that he hears almost every day LX0SIX on 50.021. I turn my FT817nd on that frequency and heard this beacon. Over a few hours, with different strengths, this beacon is for me almost constantly audible. Antenna works!

Later in the evening there was suddenly EG4ANA from IN80AS square. A special station that used a disused channel 2 antenna. With much effort I worked this station. My output 5 watts SSB.
The antenna works!

Today (Monday) I hear the beacon ON0SIX regularly.

Unfortunately of the Es season, I will have to wait until next year.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Wednesday 8 August 2012

First qso's from my new desk.

Last Monday the desks for the radio corner and home brew corner are assembled and put on the right place in my apartment.

Yesterday I thought that there would be a Dutch contest on 6M and had therefore set-up my rig + antenna. After a few minutes I heard Es signals and made over a period of 1.5 hours 5 qso's. This qso's made with ssb/cw and only 5 watts output into a 1/4 wave antenna on the balcony, approximately 13 meters above street level.
I worked:
Spain 2 times, Baleares 1 time, Italy 1 time and Portugal. This last country is a new one for me.

Regarding the Dutch contest I have been mistaken. This is next week on Tuesday, August 14.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Monday 16 July 2012

First 6M qso's from JO22NB

Last Saturday I built up my 6 meter station for the first time. This means the mobile 1/4 whip on the balcony, put on a metal table and the coax connected to my FT817nd.
The balcony is about 13 meters above street level

With 5 watts SSB I worked with YL2IP & IS0BSR/P. 2 qso's about 1400 km away from JO22NB.

Not bad for the first qso's from this new location.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Greetings from Nieuwegein

Hello reader,

This is my first message from the city of Nieuwegein. I moved begin May to this city, close to my work in Utrecht.

In the future you will read more about my activities. First I have to set-up my household.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Friday 9 March 2012

APRS and DXCC with QRP

Since I have a TNC, see earlier post, I am QRV with APRS. Mainly on 144,800 as a digipeater for a part of the Betuwe. Despite this I notice a black hole on the A15 highway along Tiel. This by altitude.

Meanwhile I have also some rides with APRS in the car. First I had the interval of the beacon at 3 minutes, which I have now been reduced to 2 minutes. This is pretty close, depending on the available digipeaters.

Last week I received the QSL of my contact with JY5HX. With this card I have confirmed 54 countries with QRP power.

The next time I will do almost nothing to the hobby.
About 2 months well I leave this house, I'm looking for another.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Saturday 18 February 2012

APRS from my car

A few weeks ago I was thinking about an old wish to do anything with APRS from the mobile. I have this working from home and in my opinion it’s static

Searching on the internet for a tracker, I came through ebay on the following APRS tracker + GPS receiver inside.

I ordered and within a week it was neatly delivered. The idea was to use it in combination with the ICOM IC-228H. I bought a serial 1:1 cable and cut one plug. On this side I soldered a 8-pin microphone plug, what a hassle.
From the beginning it worked almost equal. Reception is not yet fully functional, with a C of 4.7nF in the audio line it would also be good to go.

Today I planned a trip. First to Hillegom. Then via Leiden to The Hague. From there, via Rotterdam to Tiel.
My trip.
On my way to Hillegom I used only 5 watts, more was not possible from the cigarette lighter. In Hillegom I received a battery that is ideally suited for this purpose. The full power of the set can be use without problems.

I will not be qrv with APRS every time I drive my care. This will be incidental.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Saturday 28 January 2012

New DXCC with QRP

Last week I was qrv, for a few days, from the village of Zuidlaren. My set-up was the Yaesu FT817nd and a ZEPP for 30M.
This antenna is on the top floor and when I'm there I span the last few meters via the window on the top floor to the end of the garden behind the house.

Conditions where reasonable and I work different station on 30, 17 and 10M.
On this last band I made a nice qso with JY5HX. I heard him calling in cw with the remarks that he listening 2 up. After a few tries he came back for my qrp signal, it was easy to work him. I worked Jordan several times but until now not with qrp. Today I send a qsl direct a hope to receive his confirmation. Via email he told me that I'm in his log.

On the photo you see the Norcal keyer. It works fine for a automatic CQ from the memory.

I toke this photo with my mobile phone.

I also tried to contact PE4BAS on 70cm via a repeater but this was not really success full.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Monday 16 January 2012

New DXCC via buro

This is my first publication for this year. Reason? I'm busy with work and with my hobbies happens not to much.

In early December I received a large envelope from the institute where I had followed the course "medical terminology". The exam for this was in October, I successfully completed and received the diploma.
The exam was multiple choices. Despite this I had to wait almost 2 months for the results.

Last Wednesday I was at the local club meeting and received some qsl's.
The qsl of UK/JI2MED confirmed the country Uzbekistan for me.
This country was already confirmed via LOTW. But I prefer a paper card.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Monday 28 November 2011


On September 5th of this year I wrote about the fieldday contest. During this contest, I made in about 3 hours 31 QSOs with QRP. In the QRP section, I was unfortunately the only participant. It was inevitable that they sent me the certificate belonging to the first place.Next year I expect more competition.

Last weekend was the CQWW CW contest. The condition in recent weeks are a lot better, especially on 10M.
Yesterday I setup my FT817nd on the dinner table with on the rear the ATX-1080 antenna. There were plenty of signals and have the preamp turned off.
I made 2 QSOs with European Russia and one with N3RS in the USA. Unfortunately I managed not to work W3LPL, the station where PB2T was a guest operator.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Monday 14 November 2011

PA Beker contest 2011, QRP.

This article goes about a Dutch contest. Therefor written in Dutch.

Afgelopen zaterdag heb ik in de QRP sectie meegedaan aan de PA Beker contest. Thuis heb ik geen antennes voor 80 en 40 en kon beschikken over de shack van een bevriende amateur hier in Tiel, ik had mijn Yaesu FT817nd mee genomen.
Deze set beschikt niet over een memory keyer en had een zelfbouw keyer meegenomen, deze werkte helaas niet. Gevolg was dat ik zelf CQ moest geven, dit heb ik bijna de volle 2,5 uur gedaan. Uit reacties van andere begreep ik dat je dit als QRP niet moet doen. Mijn ervaring is anders en volgens mij ook succesvol geweest.
Dat de memory keyer niet werkte is geen technische fout geweest, ik had het verkeerd ingesteld.

Tijdens de contest heb ik schriftelijk gelogd, er stond geen pc aan. Thuis heb ik alles via het PA Beker programma van PA3AYQ verwerkt. Dit programma kan ook een ADI formaat genereren om het log in een andere programma in te lezen. Dit werkt niet zonder meer en heb de file aardig moeten verbouwen om het in Logger te kunnen importeren.

Om even een plaatje bij dit artikel te krijgen ben ik naar CW reverse beacon gegaan en heb een overzicht gegenereerd waar ik laatste half uur ben gehoord, buiten Nederland met 5 watts. Op 1 station na hoorde iedereen mij met een snelheid van 16wpm.
Klik op het plaatje voor een vergroting.

Een leuke contest waarbij ik ongeveer 65 qso's maakte en 42 mulipliers.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Tuesday 25 October 2011

DvRA 2011

A visit to a Dutch fair, so I write this article in Dutch.

Afgelopen zaterdag naar de DvRA in Apeldoorn geweest. Omdat ik erg vroeg was had ik geen parkeerproblemen en kon zelfs dichtbij de Americahal parkeren.
Het hoofddoel van deze dag was het bemannen van de CGR stand. Ondanks dit was er tussendoor de gelegenheid om over de beurs te lopen.

Mijn aankopen tijdens de DvRA.

Thuisgekomen met een Cuna SR9. Met deze ontvanger is in 1984 mijn hobby begonnen. Een 160GB externe hardddisk + het boek "Stealth Antennas". Het begrip "Stealth" in dit boek is ruim genomen. Zo worden er ook portabele antennes voor in de tuin besproken.

Weer een leuke dag, ondanks dat het na mijn mening een stuk minder druk was. Handelaren komen ook minder.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Saturday 8 October 2011

6M Es season is over

A few week ago, during my holiday, I removed my 6M antenna from the balcony. On that moment I thought the Es season for 6M was over. Until this moment I'm right.This Es season I made the first qso on May 9, it was with HA8CE in KN06EN. On August 8, I made my last Es qso. In this period I worked 9 DXCC countries.
All qso made with 5 watts, SSB or CW, from the Yaesu FT817nd. Antenna: a 1/4 wave on a metal table on my balcony.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Saturday 1 October 2011

QRV on 70cm, from the field. PA3GNZ/P

Today between 11:00 and 15:00 local time I had to stay home to receive any visitors. This because my apartment is on sale.
The bad economic situation and possible also the nice weather played tricks. There was no visitor to watch my apartment.

Because the weather was fine I just want to go out. With my FT817nd and a HB9CV for 70cm I drove to my regular location in the field, JO21QW. Meanwhile I saw on the internet that there was a contest at 70cm, more activity.
Arrived on the location I putted my FT817nd on the wary shelf and connected the HB9CV, voltage from the internal battery. Antenna in one hand and and mike in the other one.
To my amazement, I worked between 15:30 and 16:00 UTC 4 stations. I had a clear view direction east and direction South / West looked the antenna against a dike.

I worked with:

My HB9CV for 70cm, photo on my balcony.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ