Yesterday I was at the annual meeting of the
BQC. The program included 2 lectures:
Henk Vrolijk, PA0HPV, told about his visit to Bletchley Park.
Christian Roselaar, PA3FUN, talked about his experiences with various QRP kits. It is fun because I've built myself a Rockmite for 40M.
With all due respect to the real "Old men", I had the idea that I (age 41) was one of the youngest ham's during this meeting.
Photo's made by PA1AT
In the evening via the website
Camras I listened to the signals of
KP4AO. Too bad that I had no 70cm Yagi.
I connected the equipment for WSPR, after a break of almost 2 weeks. First on 30M and 40M now. Propegation is poor.
73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ