Showing posts with label homebrew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homebrew. Show all posts

Friday 30 July 2010

My homebrew corner.

This week I walked around in my house with my camera and came up with the idea of yet another new picture of my homebrew corner. This is the result. On the desk are the components of the Limerick Sudden receiver project I'm doing.

Limerick Sudden receiverAs the manual shows I started assembling the IC holders for the LM386 and NE612.

I haven't found more time in the past week for this project.

Wednesday afternoon I had a qso with SM3YQX/4. Lars Erik, 30 km west of the town Mora. He worked with 100W in a dipole, I with 2.5 W in the ATX-1080.

Good weekend all.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Monday 26 July 2010

QSO on 20M & Limerick Sudden receiver

Today I have made a cw qso on 20M with HA8LTQ. It was a "normal" qso where we both could share our details, like: name, name of the town and the equipment we used. This was on my side the FT817nd with 2.5 watts and the ATX-1080 antenna on the back of the set mounted.

Today I prepare the sides of the print and enclosure for the Limerick Sudden receiver with a neat file. Next week I can start soldering, as there is time.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Sunday 25 July 2010

My activity of this day.

Today during the IOTA contest, I had the opportunity to try my ATX-1080 antenna on 15M. I'm getting a good swr with the following settings:
10 segments of the telescope extended, counterpoise for 17M in use.

Then I made connections with: Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic, unfortunately, no stations on an island. My conclusion is that this antenna on 15M will work. On 20M I worked 2 stations in Romania and Sweden, all with SSB and 2,5 Watts.

Today I did nothing with the Limerick Sudden receiver project. Yesterday I only snapped the front and back panels from the mainboard. Tomorrow I smooth the snapped edges with emery paper.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Thursday 22 July 2010

Limerick Sudden receiver

Limerick Sudden receiver PA3GNZYesterday I opened the envelope of this kit to verify that all components are in the packaging.

In the manual there is a list of components and I soon found out that all these components are present.Limerick Sudden receiver PA3GNZThis weekend I read the manual and make a plan how I going to start the building.
My idea is to make the wiring to the antenna connector with RG174 coax and not with the twisted wire which is written in the manual. For the antenna connector, I like to use a BNC chassis instead of a RCA chassis.

I'll keep you posted about this project.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Monday 19 July 2010

Experiments with the ATX-1080 antenna

Last weekend I took the time to experiment with the ATX-1080 antenna. My expectations of this type of antennas have never been high. Now I have a somewhat different view.

In the limited manual of this antenna is discussed by making a counterpoise for them as possible to function. This manual is a guideline given for each band. After some soldering,cut and try, I came to the following lengths:
A counterpoise for 20M, length approximately 3.9M
A counterpoise for 17M, length approximately 3M
A counterpoise for 10M, length approximately 2M

Almost 3 segments of the telescope extended, counterpoise for 20M in use.
10 segments of the telescope extended, counterpoise for 20M in use.
5 segments of the telescope extended, counterpoise for 17M in use.
8 extended segments of the telescope, counterpoise for 10M in use.
10 segments of the telescope extended, counterpoise for 10M in use.

During these experiments, I made a few QSO's:
9A2YM (20M cw)
OK1AUZ (20M cw)
UA1CE (20M cw)
SV2HJQ (20M ssb)
On the Friday before I made 2 QSO's with Lithuania on 30M.

At all QSO's I had an output of 2.5 Watts. My FT817nd was on the dining table (see) with rear mounted antenna. The counterpoise lying on the ground.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Friday 2 July 2010

Limerick Sudden receiver, by GQRP club

This week, no radio activities. The weather is too hot for hanging over the soldering iron and I am home with a painful ear infection.

By post was the latest Journal of the club GQRP 'Sprat'. A Magazine with always interesting articles. By this time the announcement of a kit what the GQRP club is sold. The Limerick Sudden Receiver.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Saturday 19 June 2010

Genesis Q5 (30M) transmitter repaired and modified

Today I repaired my Genesis Q5 transmitter.
First I had to remove transistor T2 and then I could remove the IC. Then I placed the new IC and I measured that the oscillator was working, yes!
Now I could replace transistor T2 and the transmitter was working again, the frequency 10.11574, it's too low. (When you've read my previous article about the Q5, you could see that with the value of 33pF (C7) the frequency was nearly 10.117 Mhz. The 33pF which I installed today was another.
I received the advice to change capacitor C7. First I replaced this by one with a value of 22pf. I measured that the frequency was 10.12012, much too high. The next step was placing a capacitor with a value of 27pF.
The transmit frequency is 10.11595. This deviation from 10.116 Mhz is acceptable for me.

I finally placed the 27pF capacitor.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Friday 18 June 2010

J-pole antenna for 2M

Last week I made a J-pole antenna for 2M. This antenna is made of 300 Ohm ladder-line I found in my junkbox. Yesterday evening I used the antenna indoors, hanging from the curtain rail, and could reach PI3AMF, a repeater in Amersfoort. A distance of 28 km. I used my FT817nd with 2,5 watts output.
This weekend I want to measure the swr with an external SWR meter.

The rest of this week I had no time for the hobby.

18:30 UTC. I saw that my swr meter is not suitable for 2m, stupid of me. Now I should just borrow one from a colleague in the neighborhood.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Sunday 6 June 2010

Do I'm a square hunter?

This day began sunny, although the sky was overcast.
Readers of my blog will sometimes wonder if I'm square hunter on 6 meters. No, not really. This is something left over from the days when I was a DX'er on 2 meters. I am not specifically looking for new squares but it's always nice when a new square can be worked.

Today I worked around 10:30 UTC with IK5ZWU in JN53VB, a new square. Then it was quiet again for a while and on 12:00 UTC I was able to work with EI2JD in IO63VS. Not only a new square, Ireland is also a new country for me on 6 meters.

The rest of the afternoon I visited family and did some homebrew. The 2 meters fox transmitter has another crystal obtained. The transmit frequency is now 144.930 (AM) Mhz. From my 30 meters transmitter kit, I wanted to try move the frequency closer to 10.116 Mhz. The transmitter was first OK and suddenly nothing. Perhaps somewhere in the circuit a short circuit. I have yet to find out where. The stabilizer for 5V works well in any case, I have this measure.

At 17:41 UTC suddenly I heard the signal from OH4KA in KP31WN. It was easy to work him. Furthermore, I heard some beacons but no other stations.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Friday 4 June 2010

Small signals on 6M & Q5 transmitter

All day there were Es clouds over Europe but not so good for the Netherlands.
In the evening I often listened and heard weak signals. Around 7:15 p.m. UTC the signals were louder and I could work via cw with YO7LCB in KN15OA and YU7AU in KN04HU. The qso with YO7LCB gave me a new square.

With good Es propegatie the last days it seemed a good idea to try WSPR on this band.
Through the WSPR site I saw a few station was QRV but despite this I wanted to try. Result: I have no station heard at times that I transmit no one heard my my signal.
I was active with WSPR from Thursday evening till Friday afternoon.

Kees PA3DEB, wrote me this afternoon in response to my earlier post about the Genesis Q5 transmitter.

The oscillator is not on 10.116 MHz, which wele desirable. Kees advised me to change the value of C7 in order to be more close to this frequency.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Buddy Keyer/Speaker Console building & Lighthouses

Yesterday I started this project, unfortunately I can not finish today.This morning I saw that J3 + J4 is not in the box I received. I wrote a email with the request to send the missing parts.

Last week I toke some new pictures of lighthouses in the Netherlands and today I updated the page about this subject.
The captions on this page is in Dutch

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Thursday 18 February 2010

Genesis Q5 kit building.

On Youtube I found this short movie about building the Q5 kit.

My kit for 30M is almost ready for use. I'm busy to build it in a case.

73, Tjeerd - PA3GNZ

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Kristallen testen

In mijn junkbox liggen een flink aantal kristallen met als opschrift
"6 Mhz".
Hiermee wil ik als experiment proberen om een kristalfilter te maken. En wie weet in en later stadium een ontvanger.

De kristallen moeten qua frequentie, voor deze toepassing, zo dicht mogelijk bij elkaar liggen. Om aan deze kristallen te meten ben ik op internet naar een geschikte schakeling gaan zoeken. Bij deze zoektocht kwam ik uit op de website van VA3NDO.
De schakeling heb ik al op gaatjes print gemaakt. De voedingsspanning is er inmiddels opgezet en geeft geen rook of andere narigheid.

Op een later moment sluit ik de kristallen aan en bekijk wat er verder gebeurd.

73, Tjeerd - PA3GNZ

Saturday 22 November 2008

QSO's met de Rockmite

Vandaag had ik de mogelijk om mijn Rockmite op een grote antenne te proberen. Deze antenne is een Pyramide voor 40m.
In de LZ DX contest maakte ik 3 qso's: SP3AEN, OK1FRO en UA9CSA.

Ondanks de vele signalen en grote antenne viel het mij op dat deze kleine zelfgebouwde transceiver zo rustig bleef.

3-12: Via mijn logboekprogramma kwam ik er achter dat UA9 op 40M een nieuw land voor mij is.

73, Tjeerd - PA3GNZ