Since a few months I've the Baofeng UV-3R portable transceiver in use.
It works very well and is very handy to take anywhere. The shock was great when I heard that the second harmonic of the 2M signal is far below the allowable requirement. But what do you want for this money?
Earlier this week I had the opportunity to connect the portable transceiver to a spectrum analyzer. And what was wrote is true.
The second harmonic of the 2M signal is only 22 dB lower.
The suppression of the second harmonic of the 70cm signal is within the requirements.A modification to the suppression of the second harmonic of the 2M signal improvement is in the planning.
73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ
30m QRP FT8 (Thursday)
Just to show it works, I tuned the coax outer and ATU up on 30m.
Just because a match can be obtained it does *not *guarantee efficiency.
The ATU may be...
3 hours ago