Last week I wrote about the certificate I received. It was folded in the envelope.
Yesterday the post ring the bell with the announcement that there was an envelope to big for my mailbox. So, she gave it personal to me. This time the certificate was between 2 pieces of cardboard. A very good & quick service from the ARRL.
The only thing I have to do is put it into a frame. Until now I did find a frame from size 28 x 35 cm. It's 11 x 14 inch.
Yesterday evening I finished with the upload of my PB0ALS log to LOTW. All HF qso's I made are manual uploaded to the LOTW server.
Today (August 25) there are 5851 qso's in LOTW and 651 are confirmed by qsl.Write me if you worked me in the past but there is no qsl match on LOTW.
Callssign in LOTW:
73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ
Why? - NOT amateur radio
Allegedly the USA president has used an executive order to overturn a
conviction of a man who sold drugs on the dark web. This puzzles me.
2 hours ago
Good to hear this one came through the mail with no damage. I am still waiting for my wall paper to come and am wondering if it will arrive undamaged???
ReplyDeleteWhat did you request? I have DXCC mixed.
ReplyDeleteHallo Tjeerd, Dat is niet mis. Meer dan 5000 QSO's. Kun je ook informatie over je vermogen, afstand en Miles per Watt vermelden in LotW?
ReplyDelete73, Bert
Hallo Bert,
ReplyDeleteNee, in deze zin is het geen logboek. Er staan alleen gegevens, in ADIF formaat, om een qso match te krijgen.
De genoemde gegevens hou ik zelf bij.
73, Tjeerd
Hallo Tjeerd, Inderdaad de Amerikaanse Awards zijn net iets groter dan A4. Ik knip er netjes een klein randje af, om het award in een A4 mapje te keunnen doen.
ReplyDelete73, Bert