zondag 12 december 2010

Listening with the Limerick Sudden receiver (30M)

Among the other activities of this weekend, I listened to the "Limerick Sudden receiver". I had a wire antenna of no more than 5 meters. Despite this short length for this frequency signals were heard.
I heard Sweden, United Kingdom, Italy and Belarus (EW8O).

This last station had a way of qso's which seemed more like a contest. Something I think this is not needed on this band and in my eyes undesirable.

I felt again the early years, I started as a SWL (NL-9514).

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

2 opmerkingen:

VE9KK zei

Good evening Tjeeerd, I too got into ham radio via SWLing. I found it so cool to hear stations from all over the world. From there I moved to just not wanting to listen but also transmit. So began my ham radio adventure. I am a big contester but very much agree with you that contests can stay to certain bands.

Tjeerd, PA3GNZ zei

Thanks for your reply.
I go to bed, it's 00:10 local.