maandag 27 september 2010

WSPR on 30M

After a long time I'm qrv again on 30M with WSPR.

This time with my FT817nd with battery power and the ATX1080 antenna mounted on the back of the set. Mostly just listen, otherwise the battery is empty very soon.

Visit this link to see the results

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

3 opmerkingen:

Dick zei

I am definitely going to give a serious look at that ATX1080 as a back-up antenna. I continue to be very impressed. 73 Dick

Tjeerd, PA3GNZ zei


I'm suprised what I can reach with this antenna.

73, Tjeerd

VE9KK zei

Good evening Tjeerd, Sounds like this antenna is doing the trick for you. I checked this antenna out on the net and seems to be a very good unit.