dinsdag 6 april 2010

WSPR from JO33ic (the village of Zuidlaren)

During the Easter weekend (Saturday April 3 to Monday April 5) I did some WSPR experiments from JO33IC (Zuidlaren) and made a 2 way QRP QSO on 40M.

My station is a Yaesu FT817 with a 10dB attenuator. The antenna I used is a ZEPP for 30M.

On this band I had all the WSPR experiments. This antenna is on the attic and a part outside.
The CW QSO, I made was with Will, GM0HKS. The nice thing about this QSO was that Will worked with a homemade transceiver of Howes. I builded this transceiver about 10 years ago but my transceiver is for 20m. At that time I had several qso's with it. Will has a sidetone in use, he goes for me to find the schematic.

The experiments with WSPR had only played on 30M. I felt that the propagation was not good and was afraid that they didn’t heard my 50mW signal. First I switched to 100mW and it went. Later in the day my 50mW signal was heard. Distances were between 600 and 1200 km.
Saturdayevenening was the longest distance when I saw on the WSPR site that 4X1RF in KM72LS heard my signal for 2 periods. A distance of 3186 km, and this with only 50mW!

73, Tjeerd - PA3GNZ

2 opmerkingen:

PE4BAS, Bas zei

Hallo Tjeerd, dat zijn mooie afstanden voor 50mW. Ik had even te laat gelezen dat je in Zuidlaren zat anders had ik de radio ook nog wel even op WSPR kunnen zetten om te luisteren. Al is 30m niet mijn meest favoriete band, het is wel de makkelijkste voor WSPR. 73, Bas

Tjeerd, PA3GNZ zei

Hallo Bas,

Ja we zaten even wat dichter bij elkaar. Ging erg leuk met WSPR ondanks dat de condities slecht waren.
30M is voor mij wel een leuk bandje, vooral als er in het weekend contesten zijn.

73, Tjeerd