Saturday, 15 May 2010


When I was on the local meeting last Wednesday someone told me that 17M is in a good shape the last days. Special at the end of the day till late in the evening.
Yesterday I tuned my magnetic-loop for 17M to find out what was possible on this band. On that moment (21:00 UTC) I heard one weak ssb signal but didn't copy the callsign.
When I woke up this morning I saw on my laptop the results.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Friday, 14 May 2010

First Es on 6M for 2010

Today I made the first qso's on 6M via Es for this season. I saw on the internet that there were weak signals for the last few days but I didn't hear nothing until today.

The picture shows the 2 qso's I made. Around 15:00 utc I heard IK7FPU with cw and I answer him with 20 watts. This station is in JN71SU, a new squaere for me.
Around 15:30 I heard IK8OFO calling in SSB. After a few calls I worked him from JN70HR, also a new square.
2 qso's and both a new square. I'm waithing for the next Es opening on 6M, I hope signals will be stronger then today.

A beacon list for 6M.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

WSPR & DXCC (qrp)

On Wednesday I had the whole day WSPR on 10M running. During this time I heard no signals from other WSPR stations. My signal was heard by 2 stations for a period.
PAøO heard my signal over a distance of 172km. What kind of propegation was this?

Every second Wednesday of the month we have a meeting with local radio amateurs in this area. During this evening the QSL manager of R30 is also present.
This time there where some QSL for me to. The card of UA9CSA jumped out for me.
This is a qso I made with my homemade Rockmite with a power of approximately 300mW. The confirmation of this QSO made the confirmed DXCC countries with QRP on 52.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Buddy Keyer/Speaker Console building & Lighthouses

Yesterday I started this project, unfortunately I can not finish today.This morning I saw that J3 + J4 is not in the box I received. I wrote a email with the request to send the missing parts.

Last week I toke some new pictures of lighthouses in the Netherlands and today I updated the page about this subject.
The captions on this page is in Dutch

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

Saturday, 8 May 2010

With 1 watts via WSPR to VK!

Yesterday my WSPR station listen and transmit on 40M. A lot of stations received my signals from 1 watts down to 50mW. VK6BN received my 1 watts more then one period.In the begin of the evening (May 7) I made my first qso on 10M for this season. S58P gave me a 55 with my 5 watts in SSB.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ