Yesterday in the evening I setup my station for WSPR on 30M. Around 19:00 UTC 2 VK stations heard my 1 watts signal, VK2/VK6DI and VK2DAP. Distances around 16500 km.Later in the evening I made 2 CW qso's on 30M. Worked with OM30CAQ and a longer qso with SP7HOV, Zbig in Skierniewice. Both qso's with only 1 watts.
On my laptop I don't have the possibility to make graphics for my Blog. When I'm back home I update the Blog with pictures.
73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ
Let's face it ........ I suck
when it comes to using a straight key. I am so out of practice, that I was
embarrassed how my fist sounded on Straight Key Night. I only made two
QSOs, and...
1 hour ago