maandag 28 januari 2013

QRV on 2M

It's a few months ago I wrote an article on my blog. I'm still busy with my work, read books and do some household chores. Gradually there will be more time for the hobby and hopefully the weather will be better to do something with antennas on the balcony.

In December 2012, I have the Yaesu FT7800 put on the shack table and after some problems to connect my PC, the new repeaters on 1 January 2013 programmed in my set. Installing a virtual com-port remains a painstaking task.
Late last year I received a Moxon beam for 2M as a gift from a good friend. This antenna is build from scrap and the he gave it with the message "try this one". I searching for my photo tripod. Unfortunately, I didn't found. I'm afraid that it ends in the wrong container during my move to here.

At a local hardware store they had a tripod with construction lamp in offer, I bought this one and put together. The construction lamp neatly packed behind. Then I mounted the Moxon in top and put it in the living room with an unobstructed view through the balcony. It was too cold to go to the balcony. The SWR is on the high side. Probably because the antenna is inside and not in "free" space. In spite of this I was able to make some QSO. The "new" repeater PI3UTR is no problem, the antenna is horizontally polarized.
The snow is gone, now a higher temperature, then I can go out on the balcony for experiments.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ