woensdag 8 augustus 2012

First qso's from my new desk.

Last Monday the desks for the radio corner and home brew corner are assembled and put on the right place in my apartment.

Yesterday I thought that there would be a Dutch contest on 6M and had therefore set-up my rig + antenna. After a few minutes I heard Es signals and made over a period of 1.5 hours 5 qso's. This qso's made with ssb/cw and only 5 watts output into a 1/4 wave antenna on the balcony, approximately 13 meters above street level.
I worked:
Spain 2 times, Baleares 1 time, Italy 1 time and Portugal. This last country is a new one for me.

Regarding the Dutch contest I have been mistaken. This is next week on Tuesday, August 14.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ