Last week I said goodbye, after almost 25 years, to my Kenwood TS700S, a allmode 2 meter transceiver.
In 1987 I bought this transceiver and made many ssb qso's via tropo, Es and Aurora. I made 1 cw qso via Aurora.
This was a period of several years that I was very active with 2 meter DX, until I got my B license in 1991. In the last period as PE1MDM and the beginning of the period as PB0ALS I was also active on the RS10/11 satellite. The TS700S was used for the uplink.
I made the most qso's with 12 watts from the bare transceiver. Later I had a small 30 watts amplifier.
73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ
Rally reminder
This Sunday the following rally takes place:
Sunday January 26th - Lincoln Short Wave Club Winter Radio Rally, Market
Rasen, LN8 3HT. Contact m5zzz@outlo...
8 hours ago