maandag 27 september 2010

WSPR on 30M

After a long time I'm qrv again on 30M with WSPR.

This time with my FT817nd with battery power and the ATX1080 antenna mounted on the back of the set. Mostly just listen, otherwise the battery is empty very soon.

Visit this link to see the results

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

zondag 12 september 2010

Heritage Day

This weekend is Heritage Day in the Netherlands. This means that many old buildings opened to visit, for free.

Yesterday I was one of the volunteers at the lighthouse in Noordwijk. In the afternoon I made some cw qso's, with the call PG6N, on 20 and 40M. The rest of this afternoon I guided the visitors at the entrance.

At the end of this afternoon there was for me the ability to take some pictures of the lenses with lamp. During the NVV lighthouse day on April 10 of this year was this not good possible.

Thanks to the crew of PG6N.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

zondag 5 september 2010

My own fieldday ( PA3GNZ/P )

Yesterday I started installing the capacitors on the board of the "Sudden Limerick receiver" project. All capacitors (18) are mounted, now all components on the PCB.
The next step is to build the enclosure. The PCB with components is the bottom of the enclosure. When attaching the front and back, the connection to the antenna connector and dial must make. This also applies to the on/off switch and volume control.

The on/off switch, switches the powersupply between the print and the 9 volt battery.

During the field activities of August 15, we learned that it's beter to move the additional support from 6 tot 7 meters.
The additional support is now on 7 meters and the antenna is mounted on 9 meters. With these changes it's a strong construction. The mast is not crooked anymore.
Today, in the last 30 minutes of the fieldday contest, I made on 40M 8 QSO's: Czech Republic, England (4x), Denmark (2x) and Germany.
After the contest ended I responded to a CQ of GB4AC, on the Isle of Wight, and made a "normal" qso. On 20M I heard many Japanese in the AA contest, but unfortunately I could not work them with 2.5 watts. On 20M I worked one station in the AA contest, RA9AE. All qso's made with ssb.

My setup for this day:
Yaesu FT817nd,
2,5 watts, powered by car battery.
Antenna: modified G5RV.
ATU: homemade from a Howes kit.

Thanks to Eric, PE1FES, for support.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

zaterdag 4 september 2010

35 anniversary Benelux QRP Club.

The Benelux QRP Club celebrates his 35 anniversary. To celebrate this there is a special call active from September 5 to October 2 2010.
Several members of the club are active with this call around the QRP frequencies on HF.

More information is available at: PA35BQC. QSL manager is PA1AT.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ