Friday 14 May 2010

First Es on 6M for 2010

Today I made the first qso's on 6M via Es for this season. I saw on the internet that there were weak signals for the last few days but I didn't hear nothing until today.

The picture shows the 2 qso's I made. Around 15:00 utc I heard IK7FPU with cw and I answer him with 20 watts. This station is in JN71SU, a new squaere for me.
Around 15:30 I heard IK8OFO calling in SSB. After a few calls I worked him from JN70HR, also a new square.
2 qso's and both a new square. I'm waithing for the next Es opening on 6M, I hope signals will be stronger then today.

A beacon list for 6M.

73, Tjeerd (Gose) - PA3GNZ

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